

The JWCC beef specialist certificate trains students to provide direct care for beef cattle, 强调营养, 繁殖, growth, 和发展. Classes meet two or three days per week from late August through mid-March. Technical knowledge and practical hands-on training are gained from working with a cow/calf herd at the 191-acre Beef Research Unit near Baylis, 派克县的IL. 有薪实习机会.




不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
Fall Details
AGR 161 动物评价与选择 Details 3
Study of relationship between form and function in the 评价与选择 of breeding and market livestock. 0.5个课时,5个实验课时.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 202 动物科学概论 Details 4
A basic course in the principles of livestock production and management, 包括品种鉴定, 评价与选择, feeding, 繁殖, 环境卫生, 疾病控制, 以及肉牛的生理机能, 奶牛, swine, 羊和家禽. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: AG 902
先决条件: (none)
FYE 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
先决条件: (none)
Various 认可选修课(牛肉专家证书)(3-5) Details 3-5
AGR 152 自然资源管理 Details 3
Basic course emphasizing the importance and practical aspects of planning a conservation program for the agriculture producer. The student will study and develop a conservation plan for his or her own farm or a farm provided by the instructor. In-depth study of conservation practices and their economic considerations will provide the student with a better understanding of the need to plan the use, 土壤的处理和保护, water, air, woodlands, wildlife, 能源使用.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 184 农产品营销 Details 2
A basic and practical approach to the understanding and use of futures and options will be covered. Topics of discussion will include the Chicago Board of Trade's (CBOT) history and transition, 贸易术语, 期货和期权合约的定义和功能, price, 发放, 现金合同. The goal of the course is to explain marketing tools and how to use them to avert price risk on a farming operation.
先决条件: (none)
AGR 189 农业金融与记录 Details 3
记帐学:对记帐系统和会计原则的研究. Types of accounting systems, budgeting depreciation, and amortization schedules will be discussed. Additional topics include the importance of the proper use of credit in the agriculture business; the use of equity and debt capital as a management tool; the application of short, 中间, and long-term credit; alternative sources of credit; lender's credit analysis and loan servicing; and debt management.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 270 农机化技能 Details 3
An introduction to the mechanical maintenance and operational problems on the farm and the agribusiness operation. This course emphasizes the study of general mechanics and farm machinery operation in agriculture. Time will be devoted to basic farm/Ag industry safety policies and procedures, operation and basic repair procedures for farm equipment and building utility systems. Fundamental study is given to electrical wiring systems for buildings, 管道维修, 焊接技能和基本的木工知识. 2个课时,2个实验课时
先决条件: (none)
Spring Details
AGR 164 动物营养与健康 Details 3
Fundamental principles of animal nutrition and maintenance of health for animals with monogastric and ruminant digestive systems. 必需营养素的研究, 饲料配料及添加剂, 平衡饲料配给和经济考虑. In-depth analysis is given to nutritional content of crops commonly produced and fed to livestock. 2个课时,2个实验课时
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 165 牛肉管理 Details 2
Designed to focus upon those principles of beef production which emphasize the skills and knowledge needed to manage the beef cow herd. 主题包括种畜的选择, 人工授精, 生殖生理, 牛肉营养, 畜群健康计划, 饲料管理, 断奶结束, 管理与营销.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 167 应用牛肉生产技能 Details 2
Students will be assisting with duties related to cows and calves at the University of Illinois Orr Beef Research Center. 可能的职责可能包括接种疫苗, 搬运和搬运奶牛, 为分娩和产犊做准备, 处理新生儿, 照顾幼崽. Students could also assist with other research activities with cows and newborn calves. 0.5个课时,3个实验课时.
先决条件: (none)
地点: Available at the 农业教育中心 and UI Beef Research Center (Baylis)
AGR 169 人工授精-牛 Details 1
Study of the physiology of the reproductive tract of cattle and the use of insemination equipment for breeding of cattle; includes procedures that make 人工授精 practical. 0.5个课时,1个实验课时
先决条件: (none)
AGR 175 计算机在农业综合企业中的应用 Details 3
Introduction to the applications of the microcomputer to agribusiness: word processing, 电子表格, 数据库管理, 演示软件, 以及互联网的使用. 符合JWCC计算机能力要求. (与CSC 106相同)
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 186 农业经营管理 Details 3
Emphasizes the development of a business plan for the farm or agriculture-related business. 决策过程, 预算(企业, partial, business, 和现金流), 设置优先级, production efficiency and related topics are important components of the course.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
Various 认可选修课(牛肉专家证书)(2-4) Details 2-4
AGR 152 自然资源管理 Details 3
Basic course emphasizing the importance and practical aspects of planning a conservation program for the agriculture producer. The student will study and develop a conservation plan for his or her own farm or a farm provided by the instructor. In-depth study of conservation practices and their economic considerations will provide the student with a better understanding of the need to plan the use, 土壤的处理和保护, water, air, woodlands, wildlife, 能源使用.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 184 农产品营销 Details 2
A basic and practical approach to the understanding and use of futures and options will be covered. Topics of discussion will include the Chicago Board of Trade's (CBOT) history and transition, 贸易术语, 期货和期权合约的定义和功能, price, 发放, 现金合同. The goal of the course is to explain marketing tools and how to use them to avert price risk on a farming operation.
先决条件: (none)
AGR 189 农业金融与记录 Details 3
记帐学:对记帐系统和会计原则的研究. Types of accounting systems, budgeting depreciation, and amortization schedules will be discussed. Additional topics include the importance of the proper use of credit in the agriculture business; the use of equity and debt capital as a management tool; the application of short, 中间, and long-term credit; alternative sources of credit; lender's credit analysis and loan servicing; and debt management.
先决条件: (none)
地点: 农业教育中心(Baylis)提供
AGR 270 农机化技能 Details 3
An introduction to the mechanical maintenance and operational problems on the farm and the agribusiness operation. This course emphasizes the study of general mechanics and farm machinery operation in agriculture. Time will be devoted to basic farm/Ag industry safety policies and procedures, operation and basic repair procedures for farm equipment and building utility systems. Fundamental study is given to electrical wiring systems for buildings, 管道维修, 焊接技能和基本的木工知识. 2个课时,2个实验课时
先决条件: (none)
春季/夏季 Details
AGR 199 职业实习一 Details 1 - 5(变化)
学生被安排在选定的生产领域, horticulture and agribusiness to learn about these businesses under actual working conditions. This experience allows the student to explore and apply knowledge to his/her career interests. Dual supervision is provided by college staff and the operating business. Course requires 80 hours of work experience for each credit hour.
先决条件: 部门同意

有报酬的就业:更多beta365毕业率的信息, cost, 完成课程的学生的平均债务, 还有其他信息, 请浏览我们的 就业信息 对于特定的学习证书.